Art by @BearWivMe

The Good, The Bad and The Grizzly

Scruffy was a bear with a love of adventure and a keen eye for treasure. He had spent many years exploring the mountains and valleys of the Wild West, searching for the glittering gold that he loved so much. And even though he was just a bear, Scruffy had a sharp mind and a clever wit, and he always managed to find the hidden treasures that others couldn't.Whether he was panning for gold in a mountain stream or digging up an ancient chest in a hidden cave, Scruffy was always on the lookout for his next big score. And with his love of adventure and his knack for finding treasure, there was no challenge that he couldn't overcome.

Corrupted Cowboy

Scruffy was a grizzly with a reputation for being the most ruthless bounty hunter in the Wild West. He was a skilled tracker and an expert shot, and there was no criminal he couldn't catch. But despite all his successes, Scruffy had one case that had eluded him for years: the search for the infamous hand of glory.
The hand of glory was a legendary artifact said to grant its owner great power and wealth, but it was also said to bring great darkness and corruption. Many had tried to find it, but it had never been seen. Scruffy was determined to be the one to finally uncover the truth about the hand of glory, and he set out on a journey to track it down.
He traveled from town to town, asking questions and searching for any clues that might lead him to the hand. Many people were afraid of Scruffy and his reputation, and they were reluctant to give him any information. But Scruffy didn't care. He would do whatever it took to find the hand of glory, even if it meant resorting to violent means.
Finally, after years of searching, Scruffy heard word about someone that had a map to its location. He tracked down the man that had the map and after a gunfight with its antelope owner, the map was now his. That led him to a crypt in the mountains. Inside, he found the hand of glory, glowing with an otherworldly light. But as soon as he touched it, Scruffy was filled with a dark, consuming greed. He became obsessed with obtaining more power and wealth, and he began to use the hand of glory to further his own selfish desires.
Scruffy’s once-noble quest for the hand of glory had turned into a dangerous obsession, and he became a feared and reviled figure in the Wild West. Scruffy’s thirst for power had turned him into a monster.
Art by @sinibunnn

A Grieving Heart

There was a kind, old grizzly named Scruffy who lived in the Wild West. He was known for his big heart and his love of adventure, and he spent his days riding his horse through the rolling hills and wide open plains of the frontier. But despite all the excitement and adventure in his life, Scruffy couldn't shake a deep sense of sadness.
You see, Scruffy's father had been a great cowboy and a loving parent, but he had passed away a few years ago, and Scruffy missed him terribly. He often found himself thinking about his father and the memories they had shared, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness and loss.
One day, Scruffy found himself in a small town at the edge of the desert. As he rode through the dusty streets, he noticed a beautiful graveyard on the outskirts of town. The sun was setting, and the golden light cast a warm glow over the gravestones.
Scruffy dismounted from his horse and walked among the graves, reading the names and dates etched into the stones. As he stood there, he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and comfort. He knew that his father was at rest in a place like this, and he felt grateful to be able to visit and pay his respects.
As the sun set and the stars began to twinkle in the sky, Scruffy sat down on the grass and watched the night fall. He thought about all the things he had experienced in his life, and he was filled with a sense of gratitude and contentment. Scruffy knew that he was blessed to have a wonderful life and a man as loving as his father.
Art by @YohKyle

Guns, Burgers and Boots

Scruffy was a bear with a love of adventure and a hunger for knowledge. He was an archaeologist by trade, and he spent his days digging up ancient artifacts and uncovering the secrets of the past. But when he wasn't busy in the field, Scruffy loved nothing more than to put on his cowboy hat and boots and hit the open range.Scruffy was a natural-born cowboy, and he was an expert with a gun. He could ride a horse like nobody's business and rope a steer with the best of them. But despite his love of the Wild West, Scruffy never forgot his true passion: archaeology.So when a chance came for him to combine his two interests on a dig in the desert, Scruffy jumped at the opportunity. He packed his bags and headed out into the hot, dry desert, ready to dig up some ancient artifacts and have some good old-fashioned cowboy fun.As he rode his horse through the desert, Scruffy couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. He loved the feeling of the wind in his fur and the hot sun on his face. And when he finally reached the dig site, he was ready to roll up his sleeves and get to work.For weeks, Scruffy toiled in the hot sun, digging up artifacts and uncovering the secrets of the past. And when the work was done, he would retire to his campsite, cook up a big juicy cheeseburger, and take a nice, long nap in his tent.To Scruffy, there was nothing better than the combination of adventure, knowledge, and a good cheeseburger. And even though he was just a plain old papa bear, Scruffy knew that he had the best job in the world.Art by @thebluebear27

The Gate

Scruffy was a curious bear with a love of adventure and a knack for solving puzzles. He spent his days exploring the vast plains and mountains of the Wild West, always on the lookout for new mysteries to solve.
One day, as Scruffy was wandering, he came across a crumbling wall covered in strange symbols. He had never seen anything like it before, and he was immediately drawn to the wall, eager to decipher the meaning of the symbols.
As he examined the wall more closely, Scruffy noticed a symbol that looked like a triangle inside a circle. It was a familiar symbol, and he realized that he had seen it before in an old book he had found in a dusty library.
Scruffy dug the book out of his pack and leafed through its pages, searching for the symbol. When he found it, he was amazed to see that it was part of a ancient code that could be used to unlock hidden secrets.
Excited by this discovery, Scruffy set to work deciphering the code. He worked late into the night, his mind racing as he pieced together the clues. And when he finally unlocked the secret of the wall, he was shocked by what he found.
The wall was a doorway to another world, a world filled with strange and mysterious creatures. And as he stepped through the doorway, Scruffy knew that he was embarking on an adventure unlike any he had ever experienced. The tale of the crumbling wall and its strange symbols was an eerie and mysterious one, one that would stay with Scruffy for the rest of his days.
Art by @runxforest_Art

Mark of the Beast

Ryan had tried to put the memory of Beringar's transformation out of his mind, but he couldn't. The fascination and longing he felt for his former professor had become too great to ignore, and he found himself returning to Mexico months later, in search of the man he once knew.As he entered the small town where Beringar had been living, Ryan could feel the change in the air. The people around him had lost all sense of inner will and conscience, and their eyes were empty and soulless.Ryan knew that Beringar's power had grown even stronger, that his control over the minds of others had become complete. But he couldn't help the nagging sense of curiosity that drove him forward, that drew him closer to the source of the darkness.It wasn't long before he found Beringar, now fully transformed into a massive werebear beast, towering over the town square with his emblem still attached to his cowboy hat. Ryan was horrified by the sight, but he couldn't look away.Beringar's eyes locked onto Ryan, and the younger man felt a chill run down his spine. He could sense the power emanating from the werebear, the darkness that had consumed his former professor completely.But even as Ryan felt a sense of terror grip his heart, he couldn't deny the fascination he felt. He watched as Beringar moved through the town, his massive form radiating a dark energy that left the townspeople helpless in his wake.As the night wore on, Ryan realized that he couldn't leave. He was too drawn to Beringar, too captivated by the power he had unleashed. He knew that he was in danger, that he was risking his own soul by staying, but he couldn't bring himself to leave.In the end, it was only a matter of time before Beringar's control over the town extended to Ryan as well. He felt the darkness seep into his own mind, felt himself losing control, and he knew that he had made a grave mistake.But even as the darkness consumed him, Ryan couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the power of the emblem, at the way it had transformed Beringar into something monstrous and alluring all at once. He knew that he would always be drawn to that darkness, that he would always be captivated by the power it held.And so he stayed, even as the town around him crumbled under the weight of Beringar's control. He stayed, consumed by fascination and longing, a testament to the way that even the most noble of pursuits could lead to the darkest of places.Art by @TheChocoFox